(1905, 1965, 2025)
February 2, 1965 - January 20, 1966
February 2, 1965 - January 20, 1966
An earnest Snake with kindly wisdom and a prophetic understanding of what is going to prevail in the course of events, especially in history.
She has a need for complete intellectual freedom, but in her affections she will be constant and enduring. She seeks emotional stability as well as financial security.
This type of Snake will express herself well and could be an eloquent speaker.
The Wood element in conjunction with her fixed element of positive Fire will make her very interesting. She will shine like a beacon light, attracting instead of pursuing the objects and people she desires.
The Wood Snake is well-informed but she gathers knowledge not for its own sake but to put such information to everyday use. Good judgment, discretion and a sharp sense of values will make her a superb investor and appreciator of the fine things in life.
Here is an amenable Snake who will be very close to art, music, the theater and the beauty of the Earth
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